Recent Publications
Luther LAM, Higley SL, Morrison KE (2024) Stress during puberty and adulthood pregnancy impact histone acetylation regulators in the hypothalamus. bioRxiv 2024.12.01.626244.
Gautier KN, Higley SL, Mendoza JM, Morrison KE (2024) The impact of pubertal stress and adult hormone exposure on the transcriptome of the developing hypothalamus. Stress, 27(1),
Congratulations to lab undergraduate alumni Karissa, Sam, and John on their first publication!
Duffy KA, Sammel MD, Johnson RL, Morrison KE, Bale TL, Epperson CN (2024) Sex differences in stress-induced cortisol response among infants of mothers exposed to childhood adversity. Biological Psychiatry,
Key Publications
Morrison KE, Stenson AF, Marx-Rattner R, Carter S, Michopoulos V, Gillespie CF, Powers A, Huang W, Kane MA, Jovanovic T, Bale TL (2022) Developmental timing of trauma in women predicts unique extracellular vesicle proteome signatures. Biological Psychiatry, 91(3), 273-282.
Morrison KE, Cole AB, Kane PJ, Meadows BS, Thompson SM, Bale TL (2020) Pubertal adversity alters chromatin dynamics and stress circuitry in the pregnant brain. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45, 1263-1271(2020).
Morrison KE, Epperson CN, Sammel MD, Ewing G, Snell JL, Hantsoo L, Kim DR, Bale TL (2017) Preadolescent adversity programs a disrupted maternal stress reactivity in humans and mice. Biological Psychiatry, 81(8), 693-701
Select Publications
Munyoki SK, Goff JP, Kolobaric A, Long A, Mullett SJ, Burns JK, Jenkins AK, DePoy L, Wendell SG, McClung CA, Morrison KE, Jašarević E (2023) Intestinal microbial circadian rhythms drive sex differences in host immunity and metabolism. iScience, 26(10), 107999.
Morrison KE, Stenson AF, Marx-Rattner R, Carter S, Michopoulos V, Gillespie CF, Powers A, Huang W, Kane MA, Jovanovic T, Bale TL (2022) Developmental timing of trauma in women predicts unique extracellular vesicle proteome signatures. Biological Psychiatry, 91(3), 273-282.
Morrison KE (2020) Animal models built for women’s brain health: progress and potential. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 59, 100872.
Morrison KE*, Jasarevic E*, Bale TL (2020) It’s the fiber, not the fat: Significant effects of dietary challenge on the gut microbiome. Microbiome, 8, 15.
Chan JC, Morgan CP, Leu NA, Shetty A, Cisse YM, Nugent BM, Morrison KE, Jasarevic E, Huang W, Kanyuch N, Rodgers AB, Bhanu NV, Berger DS, Garcia BA, Ament S, Kane M, Epperson CN, Bale TL (2020) Reproductive tract extracellular vesicles are sufficient to transmit intergenerational stress and program neurodevelopment. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15305-w.
Morrison KE, Cole AB, Thompson SM, Bale TL (2019) Brexanolone for postpartum depression. Drugs of Today, 55(9), 537-544.
Jasarevic E, Howard CD, Morrison KE, Misic AM, Weinkopff T, Scott P, Hunter C, Beiting DP, Bale TL (2018) The maternal vaginal microbiome plays a causal role in programming offspring gut-brain development. Nature Neuroscience, 21, 1061-1071.
Morrison KE, Narasimhan S, Fein E, Bale TL (2016) Peripubertal stress with social support promotes resilience in the face of aging. Endocrinology, 157(5), 2002-2014.
Cooper MA, Clinard CT, Morrison KE (2015) Neurobiological mechanisms supporting experience-dependent resistance to social stress. Neuroscience, 291, 1-14.
Morrison KE, Rodgers AB, Morgan CP, Bale TL (2014) Role of epigenetic mechanisms in pubertal development. Neuroscience, 264, 17-24.
Morrison KE, Bader LR, Clinard CT, Gerhard DM, Gross SE, Cooper MA (2014) Maintenance of dominance status is necessary for resistance to social defeat stress in Syrian hamsters. Behavioural Brain Research, 270, 277-286.
Morrison KE, Bader LR, McLaughlin CN, Cooper MA (2013) Defeat-induced activation of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex is necessary for resistance to conditioned defeat. Behavioural Brain Research, 243, 158-164.
Morrison KE, Curry DW, Cooper MA (2012) Social status alters the pattern of defeat-induced neural activation in Syrian hamsters. Neuroscience, 210, 168-178.
Morrison KE, Cooper MA (2012) A role for 5-HT1A receptors in the basolateral amygdala in the development of conditioned defeat in Syrian hamsters. Psychopharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 100, 592-600.
Morrison KE, Swallows CL, Cooper MA (2011) Effects of dominance status on conditioned defeat and expression of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors. Physiology & Behavior, 104, 283-290.
Book Chapters
Morrison KE, Epperson CN, Bale TL (2019) Sex differences in the programming of stress resilience. In A. Chen (Ed.) Stress Resilience: Molecular and Behavioral Aspects, 1st edition, In Press.